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  • NEUROMED is an I.R.C.C.S (Clinical Institute with Research Character). It has an excellence in imaging, is developing a dedicated digital plant PET technology and has experience in physical modeling applied to plants imaging. It hosts the “Digital Imaging Multimodal Platform” (DIMP) EUROBIOIMAGING Node. The center is open as a service to external users. Through its partnership the following impact is expected (a) Gain know-how on the frontier application of PET to the functional imaging of plants and become leader in this field; (b) Extend the agricultural infrastructure on site for controlled plant growth; (c) Extend the offer of the DIMP node to the agricultural field, with a complete portfolio of experimental protocols; (d) Extend the knowledge in data analysis and computing and (e) promote and expand in the international context the novel opened preclinical center.


  • UNITE has an excellent research background in agriculture and biostimulants, due also to the South Italian regional and economical context in which the university is located. Through its partnership the following impact is expected (a) Gain know-how on the PET technologies for plant functional imaging; (b) Install on-site a portable PET system for plants, increasing its research facilities; (c) Collect a unique set of agronomic data, allowing to research the still unexplored frontier of early metabolic changes caused by stress in wheat; (d) Improve its computing, software and data analysis ability.


  • UGENT has an excellent background in plant imaging. UGENT group has been among the initiators of functional imaging in plant and published several works on the topic in high impact factor journals. Moreover, the group is also involved in the development of new technologies and ideas for PET. Through its partnership the following impact is expected: (a) Gain know-how in computing and data analysis using the state-of-the art computing; (b) Consolidate and finally establish the PET technique for functional plant imaging; (c) Have at disposal a unique and large data set, allowing to research the still unexplored frontier of early metabolic changes caused by stress.


  • OVGU The Magdeburg Research Campus STIMULATE at the Otto-Von-Guericke University is a project within the initiative “Forschungscampus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Compact interventional portable technologies have been developed within the campus. The spin-off application in agriculture represents a unique possibility to extend the focus of the campus and to further apply the technology to an innovative area as agriculture, with enormous implication in the Sachsen-Anhalt region. The following impact is expected: (a) Currently at OVGU only CT and MRI technologies are available, therefore the PET technology installed there will complete the portfolio in imaging technologies; (b) Extend the data analysis and programming using the innovative High Performance Computing system; (c) establish a network between the existing engineering and agricultural infrastructures at OVGU.


  • BOLLINO developed a series of databases and data management systems in the healthcare sector. The participation to this action will allow Bollino to extend its action to the agricultural marketing sector. The following impact is expected: (a) Develop know-how in the needs of databases for agriculture and technology; (b) Develop an innovative product for the access, storage and analysis of plant data, including functional imaging visualization and analysis, providing the customer a early determination of the expected growth of crops. This product will be the first in its kind, with high development potential.; (c) Extend the database to innovative computing platforms.


  • RAYCAN developed one of the most modern digital PET technologies, currently with several installations worldwide. The typical applications of RAYCAN technology is in the biomedical sector. However, being among the first PET technology development with a focus on agriculture, RAYCAN has the possibility to further expand its existing portfolio and build solid collaboration bridges with the European partners.